Oh Consistency, Thou Art a Fickle Bitch

I love me a good self development book. Just having it on my shelf with an un-cracked spine makes me feel like I am more accomplished, as if my soul is richer by its mere presence. But there is one thing I have found in basically all the books I have read that brings meContinue reading “Oh Consistency, Thou Art a Fickle Bitch”

No Excuses. You matter.

Don’t you be rolling your eyes at me queen… I don’t care what your excuses are, how bad you may or may not have fucked up, or what horrendous shit has happened in your life. You Matter. I don’t care if you believe that deep down you are a teeming black ball of Venom typeContinue reading “No Excuses. You matter.”

Depression is a Liar

As I was doom scrolling on IG recently I came across a post that the incredible Viola Davis had shared all about depression and how we can self-gaslight when depression hits and my god I needed that because I’m certainly going through a period of depression at the minute and sometimes you need that outsideContinue reading “Depression is a Liar”

Creativity for Creativity Sake

As far back as I can remember, I’ve always been creative. Whether it was wanting craft kits for Christmas, putting shows on in the living room or letting my imagination create a better place to live than the war of home. But then, aren’t we all? Really deep down isn’t everyone creative? OK maybe notContinue reading “Creativity for Creativity Sake”

Activated Authors Interview

This is just a short lil’ bonus post to say that I had the honour of being interviewed by Daniel Willcocks on the Activated Authors podcast earlier this year and the episode is now live! We spoke all about recovery, mental health struggles, creativity as medicine and the UK North/South divide… If you should beContinue reading “Activated Authors Interview”

Update A.K.A Where I’ve Been

I have found creating any kind of content very difficult this year and there are two main reasons for this; firstly I use my life in my art, however that presents itself whether in poem or paint, prose or a post and the truth is much of what has been happening this year involves otherContinue reading “Update A.K.A Where I’ve Been”

Perfection is the Enemy

So last year happened.  Apparently.  It both felt like 347 years and that it never existed, but now it is over and done, and by the mere fact that the earth revolves and we mark that with the label time, it is now 2022. I find it strange that I am so affected by theContinue reading “Perfection is the Enemy”

Mr Sandman, Bring Me a Dream…

Thursday 20th January I slept like a baby last night. And by that I mean I was awake until way past the time I should have been, woke up every hour and, was unreasonably hungry at 4 am. Since I last wrote, I have not had a day go ‘to the plan’ and today wasContinue reading “Mr Sandman, Bring Me a Dream…”

Highway to the Beta Zone

Tuesday 18th January 2022 Happy New Year! What’s that? Yes, yes I am aware that is indeed not the first of January and we are marching in the middle of the month but as it turns out, the universe had conspired to prevent me from wishing you the compliments of the season before now (IContinue reading “Highway to the Beta Zone”

NaNoWrimo Day 2

In today’s vlog, (which was filmed yesterday on day 2 of NaNo but goes up today on day 3 of NaNo. That makes my eyes cross a bit when I think about it) I continue on my 2021 Nano Journey, hit delirious levels of tired and mildly resent yoga..