Writers For Ukraine – The 1 Million Word Challenge

The following post is NOT SPONSORED but I wanted to share the Activated Authors charity drive in aid of Ukraine As you know, there has been no secret made about the atrocities currently being undertaken on the European country of Ukraine. Since its unfounded invasion of Ukraine on Thursday 24th February, things are steadily gettingContinue reading “Writers For Ukraine – The 1 Million Word Challenge”

Mental Health Judgements and Stigma’s that I have experienced –

Part 1 “You Talk Too Much” A few years back my mental health was in an OK spot but I could feel that it was declining and so I decided to go to my GP, I was at the time un-medicated – still having the idea in my head that medication for mental illnesses wasContinue reading “Mental Health Judgements and Stigma’s that I have experienced –”

Tuesday 24th August – 2:30am…

Well, it’s 2:30 am and I am wide-awake which can only mean one thing, my good friend insomnia is back, I didn’t miss her. Today’s been a little weird, it’s been my first full day back at my laptop since having time off and I feel like I just face planted into work and myContinue reading “Tuesday 24th August – 2:30am…”

Previously in the Life of a Mastress…

Ahhhhhh insomnia, thought art a festering boil on the arse of decency. So, I wrote a post on my main blog page a little while ago about the fact that I often feel better the day after an insomniac filled night. I hold with that all though now I know why it’s a little crappy,Continue reading “Previously in the Life of a Mastress…”

Art, Diary, Poems and Housekeeping

This week has been very busy and at times my brain has been making me revisit old trauma’s and my EID (Emotional Intensity Disorder) has also been having a lot of fun with my tear ducts – none of this is said to garner any other reaction than (hopefully) an understanding that this week’s postContinue reading “Art, Diary, Poems and Housekeeping”

10 Things My Mental Illnesses Have Given Me (That I’m Happy About)

DISCLAIMER: I am in NO WAY minimising the very real situation of living with these disorders and illnesses. I wanted to see if I could find ten things that I, personally, get through having these diagnosis’ as a thought experiment to help me through when things get bad. It is not me saying ‘just thinkContinue reading “10 Things My Mental Illnesses Have Given Me (That I’m Happy About)”

If You Could Have Any Superpower, What Would it Be?

T/W: REFERENCE TO ABUSE (NON GRAPHIC) We’ve all played this game, right? In the playground with out friends, thinking over all the powers and carefully weighing each one as if we were to be actually granted our choice? Oh, who am I kidding? ‘Played’ like I don’t still consider the merits of flight vs speed,Continue reading “If You Could Have Any Superpower, What Would it Be?”


DISCLAIMER: The following article is representative of my opinion regarding feminism and human decency. I in no way claim to be the feminist police nor am I the expert, authority or monolith on all things. If it feels like I’m angry at any point during this article, it’s because I am. Oooooooooooo, I know right?!Continue reading “10 REASONS YOU ARE NOT A FEMINIST”

On… Sexual Violence and Misrepresentation

TRIGGER WARNING: VIOLENCE, SEXUAL VIOLENCE AND SELF INJURY. I have been thinking about trauma a lot lately, my own in particular, but also on a wider scale. I remember once disclosing to an ex that I had CPTSD (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). He was a soldier and, even though he knew of my multipleContinue reading “On… Sexual Violence and Misrepresentation”